Daily Morning Charters

The very best way to scuba dive kona
and explore the reefs along hawaii's coast


Our 2-tank morning charters are the best way to SCUBA dive Kona and explore the reefs along Hawaii Island's coast. You'll see schools of fish, endemic reef-life, lava tubes and arches. A manta or shark might swim by. Or you'll cruise with a lazy honu (sea turtle). You never know what you might see.

Shortly after our 7:00 meeting time, we'll welcome you aboard Boundless and give you a detailed boat orientation.

Outside the harbor, you might be greeted by some of our Hawaiian Spinner Dolphins. We'll give you time to enjoy them while we evaluate conditions and pick the best dive sites for the day.

The dive sites are only 5 to 20 minutes from the harbor. At the dive site, we'll moor up and do a dive briefing. Listen closely. We'll cover important safety information, where we plan to go, and what creatures and features are unique to the site.

If you are underweighted, we'll have a line hanging from the bow with spare weights. And if you're not comfortable doing a free descent, you can use our mooring line. It will guide you to the bottom.

During the surface interval, we'll talk story, have snacks, ID the fish and listen to Frank's latest jokes. Then we'll jump back in for dive 2.

Times: Meet at 7:00 a.m. Return by 1 p.m.

Where: Honokohau Marina near the mountain-side (mauka) boat ramp

What's included: tanks, weights, snacks, water and a professional, experienced dive guide

What to bring: any personal dive gear, certification card, camera, towel, hat, sunscreen, light jacket and sense of adventure


Join us on any of our day or night
charters as a snorkeler or rider.


When you're ready for adventure beyond the local sites, you can join us on a mid-range or long-range charter. You'll see extensive lava tubes, steep canyons and deeper reef structures. You'll encounter seldom seen fishes. These are great trips for divers doing multiple days of diving or who are on a return trip to Kona.

These trips a geared for the more experienced diver. If you are new to diving, haven't dived in a while or have new-to-you equipment, we recommend that you do our 2-Tank Morning Charter before venturing farther.

If you're not sure, ask us. We want you to have fun and that means signing you up for the right trip.


Did you know that you don't have to be certified to go diving? Even if you're not certified, you can come on our boat and try diving. Our experienced PADI instructors will safely introduce you to the underwater world.

In this one-day PADI experience program, you'll do a short class with a private instructor. You'll learn about equalizing your ears so you don't feel the pressure. We'll teach you how to use the equipment. And then we'll give you lots of time to explore the reef.

Kona is a great place to discover scuba diving before you commit to the full certification.

We recommend this experience if you are a confident and comfortable swimmer.

Discover Scuba


Want to customize your charter or have the boat and crew all to yourself? You can private-charter Boundless and her crew. Pick a 5-hour adventure for you and your guests: dive, snorkel, dolphin or whale watch (when in season), or a combo adventure. We'll take care of the logistics, you show up for the fun.


Our crew consists of several PADI-certified instructors. Chances are good that if there's a PADI class you want to take, one of us can teach it.

Our courses include:

  • Discover Scuba Diving
  • PADI Open Water (full class or referral)
  • Advanced Open Water
  • Nitrox Specialty
  • And many other specialties

If you'd like to schedule a class, contact us for information.